Today was my official weigh-in day. I have been thinking a lot about the goals that I want to achieve with this new journey. To be completely honest the long-term goals are too lofty. I don't want to set myself up for failure by trying to look too far into the future. So, for the time being, I am going to focus on short-term goals. Hopefully the smaller goals will eventually open the doors for the bigger goals.
Below are a few of my near-future goals:
1) Survive the gigantic hill in Red Cloud that Nichole and I brave on our walks. This baby is steeeeeeeeeeeeeeep.
2) Not get winded on said hill on our walks.
3) Eat breakfast-this is going to be one of the more difficult ones for me as I have never been a big breakfast eater. Unless you count 4 a.m. truck stop breakfasts on the way home from the bar (That's an entirely different blog all together though, isn't is?) I am going to sacrifice 15 minutes of my morning to eat a healthy breakfast.
4) No more fast food ( Subway doesn't count).
5)Walk or do some sort of excercise 6 days a week.
This list of goals is a work in progress, the plan is for it to continually be updated and expanded.
Right now I am super excited. I know what I want and I know that I want to get this done. The trends of my past dieting experiences have been that I start out so motivated and then little by little it dwindles and I am right back where I started. This is when I am going to have to remind myself that this is not a temporary fix. This is for life. I have to get over the fact that God did not give me a metabolism. I can ponder the vast unfairness of the situation, but at the end of the day, I am always going to have to be vigilant about a healthy lifestyle.
When it comes down to diet, I am just going to focus on balanced healthy eating in moderation. The sad part is that I know what I am supposed to be eating. I get it, calories in versus calories out...yada...yada...yada... I have taken numerous nutrition classes. I know the risks of an unhealthy lifestyle, but rationalizing the right things to eat with what I want to eat is a constant battle. Because I know this about myself of I will constantly have to self reflect. I am going to have to be brutally honest with myself-Do I really want that double cheese burger or do I really want to live to my 30th birthday?
Listen closely, children, now is the time for one of Aunt Lou's pet peeves. I am always taken aback when people approach me who automatically assume that all fat people are lazy and uneducated. The ones that think that if a fat person really wanted to be healthy they would just do it. To these fine individuals I just want to scream, "YOU MEAN TO TELL ME ALL I HAVE TO DO IS EAT LESS AND EXERCISE MORE? I FINALLY GET IT! THANK YOU FOR FINALLY SHOWING ME THE LIGHT. YOU MUST BE SOME SORT OF PROPHET, LEADING ALL THE FATTIES TO SALVATION. ALL I NEEDED WAS SOME IGNORANT ASS TO PUT IT ALL INTO PERSPECTIVE!" (I love typing in all caps, makes me feel like I am yelling). However, we all know I am too much of a lady to ever say such words aloud.
All-in-all, the day was a success. I am proud of myself and the choices that I made.
One of my friends started my day out with this text:
You can't start the next chapter of your life if you keep re-reading the last one.
On that note, dear friends, here's to new chapters and new outlooks.
* I also want to thank everyone for the support, for the kind words, for the calls, for the texts. Knowing that this is not a battle I will have to fight alone makes it so much easier to face. I love you all.
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