18 Things I've found to be true as of 7:45 this evening
1) Be nice to others. Genuinely smile at everyone you meet, actually acknowledge them. If you meet someone in the hallway or on the street ask them how they are....then actually wait to find out their answer. You never know the power that a smile and a few simple words may yield.
2) Do not become jaded. The world is full of so much ugliness and hate, do not let it consume you. I had little idea of how many callous, calculating individuals I would come in contact with throughout my life. I was also not prepared for the surplus of beautiful souls, either. Never underestimate anyone or overestimate them either, for that matter. People usually shock the hell out of me every day.
3) #idonotunderstandhashtags #istillusethemthough #ispunctuationrequiredinsaidhashtags #donthatetheplayerhatethegame #YOLO
4) Get to know your parents, I mean, really know them. Most likely, they are the coolest people you will ever meet. Parents are the best kind of friends because regardless of how you act, they HAVE to love you. They signed contracts...
5) The adage, "What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas", is actually a real thing. Trust me on this one.
6) Just because you have a bunch of letters behind your name, does not give you license to treat anyone as if they are beneath you. Some of the smartest people I have ever met in my life had no formal training. Some of the dumbest have graduated from accredited universities. This concept never ceases to amaze me.
7) Professionalism should be implied as part of your career, it should not have to be mentioned in the explanation. I am a Social Worker. I have never once said, "Hi, I'm Laura, I'm a Professional Social Worker." If someone has to use Professional as a precursor, they most likely are not one........
8) Nothing in life is free. Everything comes with a price. Sometimes you will pay with money. Some things are a little more costly, those are the items you will pay with, with a piece of your soul. Either way, don't bankrupt yourself.
9) Take too many pictures. Take them of yourself. Take them with the people you love. Take them of your dog. Just take them.
10) I firmly believe that your soul mates do not have to be romantic partners. They are the people you choose to share your life with. The people you text or call with news about your life. The people that love you through the good and the bad times and sometimes can't tell the difference between the two. They are the people who are blatantly honest with you. Who have the same humor, the same values, the same morals. Those are the people who make life worth it. The ones you could do everything or nothing with and still have a great time. The ones that love you, even if they think you are The Hot Mess Express, those are the people worth keeping around.
11) Do not be too idealistic. Don't let your expectations get in the way of something with the potential to be great. Model the traits in which you are seeking and perhaps you will encounter the type of individual you are hoping to find.
12) Don't take shit off of anyone. Stand up for what you believe in. Tell someone if they've hurt you. Don't let anyone make you feel like you are less than what you are. Be too busy worrying about your own happiness to give a second thought to what others think of you.
13) If "Ice, Ice, Baby" comes on the radio, dammit, sing along with it. Guaranteed, it will improve your mood.
14) Don't plan too far into the future or worry about it too much either. What ever will happen, will happen.
15) It's a probable law that if you go to Wal-mart looking a mess (I'm talking no shower, greasy hair in a bun, glasses, no make-up, sweat pants, cut off, slippers) you will inevitably run into your ex. Act like a boss (pronounced BAWWWSSSE) regardless.
16) Pizza and wine will not solve your problems...then again, they won't hurt the situation either.
17) I still maintain that everyone should own a sword. Don't ask me why, I just think it is a necessary evil. You may thank me some day. You're welcome.
18) You know that tag on mattresses? The one that says, "Do Not Remove by Penalty of Law", should you ever encounter one of those, simply ask yourself, "What Would Laura Do?"
3) #idonotunderstandhashtags #istillusethemthough #ispunctuationrequiredinsaidhashtags #donthatetheplayerhatethegame #YOLO
4) Get to know your parents, I mean, really know them. Most likely, they are the coolest people you will ever meet. Parents are the best kind of friends because regardless of how you act, they HAVE to love you. They signed contracts...
5) The adage, "What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas", is actually a real thing. Trust me on this one.
6) Just because you have a bunch of letters behind your name, does not give you license to treat anyone as if they are beneath you. Some of the smartest people I have ever met in my life had no formal training. Some of the dumbest have graduated from accredited universities. This concept never ceases to amaze me.
7) Professionalism should be implied as part of your career, it should not have to be mentioned in the explanation. I am a Social Worker. I have never once said, "Hi, I'm Laura, I'm a Professional Social Worker." If someone has to use Professional as a precursor, they most likely are not one........
8) Nothing in life is free. Everything comes with a price. Sometimes you will pay with money. Some things are a little more costly, those are the items you will pay with, with a piece of your soul. Either way, don't bankrupt yourself.
9) Take too many pictures. Take them of yourself. Take them with the people you love. Take them of your dog. Just take them.
10) I firmly believe that your soul mates do not have to be romantic partners. They are the people you choose to share your life with. The people you text or call with news about your life. The people that love you through the good and the bad times and sometimes can't tell the difference between the two. They are the people who are blatantly honest with you. Who have the same humor, the same values, the same morals. Those are the people who make life worth it. The ones you could do everything or nothing with and still have a great time. The ones that love you, even if they think you are The Hot Mess Express, those are the people worth keeping around.
11) Do not be too idealistic. Don't let your expectations get in the way of something with the potential to be great. Model the traits in which you are seeking and perhaps you will encounter the type of individual you are hoping to find.
12) Don't take shit off of anyone. Stand up for what you believe in. Tell someone if they've hurt you. Don't let anyone make you feel like you are less than what you are. Be too busy worrying about your own happiness to give a second thought to what others think of you.
13) If "Ice, Ice, Baby" comes on the radio, dammit, sing along with it. Guaranteed, it will improve your mood.
14) Don't plan too far into the future or worry about it too much either. What ever will happen, will happen.
15) It's a probable law that if you go to Wal-mart looking a mess (I'm talking no shower, greasy hair in a bun, glasses, no make-up, sweat pants, cut off, slippers) you will inevitably run into your ex. Act like a boss (pronounced BAWWWSSSE) regardless.
16) Pizza and wine will not solve your problems...then again, they won't hurt the situation either.
17) I still maintain that everyone should own a sword. Don't ask me why, I just think it is a necessary evil. You may thank me some day. You're welcome.
18) You know that tag on mattresses? The one that says, "Do Not Remove by Penalty of Law", should you ever encounter one of those, simply ask yourself, "What Would Laura Do?"
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