Tuesday, January 1, 2013

No Looking Back Now.....

What a year 2012 was! A whirlwind, to say the least. A year that was mostly good, a tad-bit bad, sprinkled with a dash of crazy....just to keep things legit.  I think I have learned more about myself this year, than any before.

I learned that I was living a lifestyle that was digging me an early grave one double cheeseburger at a time. I learned that living healthy looks much easier than it actually is. I learned that I am stronger than I ever thought possible. That asking for help is not a sign of weakness. That I am much more of a whiner than I even knew. I feel bad for my workout partners because I complain the whole time I am exercising without exceptions. Seriously, THE WHOLE TIME! Hell, I start complaining about an hour prior to even starting to exercise.

Most importantly, I learned that I am the luckiest girl alive because from the moment I realized that I needed to change I have had nothing but unconditional love and support from my friends and family. That support inspires me on days that I have trouble finding the motivation.

I have to admit, the holidays have not been good for me. Mistakenly, I gave myself permission to lose focus the last few weeks.  I haven't exercised and basically reverted back to my pre-August eating habits....Big mistake...Big.... HUGE! :)  Live and learn, I guess. I know now how easily one bad meal, leads to two, leads to a complete loss of control. A snowball effect, if you will.

Today started a New Year. I am not going to wallow in the fact that I back pedaled. I am going to move forward. Start fresh. That's what this is all about. It's not realistic to be good all of the time but it is a definite reality for me that I have to keep on trucking down the right road.

This year there is not going to be any hindsight-should have, could have, and would have's. I am through with that mentality. I am going to continue living healthy. No resolutions that I give up on in a month. No resolutions at all.....just health, plain and simple.

This year I am going to run my first 5k and pending my survival of that, hopefully the first of many. No looking back....I've got a good feeling, kids.

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