Happy, sad, mad, stressed, bored, to celebrate an accomplishment, to celebrate a break-up ( trust me, with the clowns that I have dated, the end of the relationship was always cause for celebration), or to fill a void....the list can go on and on. If any of the above listed occurred in my life, it was usually followed by some snackage (Spell check just told me that snackage was not a word, I beg to differ, Mr. Webster, I beg to differ.) Anyways, today during a particularly stressful time, when I would have eaten a rug if it would have had the right kind of dipping sauce, I had to find some strategies to keep myself from stress-eating. I drank about three glasses of water and chewed gum like it was going out of style. I removed myself from the situation. After a while, the feeling of wanting to go to Taco John's and order two of everything subsided. Turns out, problems can be resolved without food. In order to improve my health, I must also work on improving my mind. This battle is just as much a mental struggle, as it is physical.
The bike riding continues......
Tonight Jenny and I made it to 2.5 miles. This may be the lack of oxygen to my brain speaking, but I am really, really liking exercising or maybe I like the way I feel after. I cannot believe how bad I felt before I started this journey and I didn't even realize it. I probably wouldn't have let things get this out of hand had I simply realized this sooner. Live and learn, I guess.
I have found that I am kinda a chicken when it comes to riding my bike. I like even, non-graveled roads. When I was younger and my bike was my main source of transportation, I was fearless. Now, I have this deep fear of crashing. Really, it's not even the soaring through the air that frightens me, it's 100 percent the dismount that causes me so much anxiety. I'm a lot of girl and cement does not have a whole bunch of give.
I found the above quote particularly fitting. Regardless of how hard you work and how hard your struggles, there are always gonna be people who are assholes. Three things in this life that are inevitable: death, taxes, and assholes. People make fun of fat people for just being fat. Then they make fun of fat people while they're excercising. We can't win. How about you don't point out my short-comings and I won't point out yours?
There are going to be people who put you down, who question your intellect, your abilities, and even your value because of how you look. Remember, there is nothing wrong with you, the problem lies with them. If I could offer you any words of wisdom it would be: Don't worry about what anyone else thinks. You are beautful. Love yourself first and the rest will fall into place but love yourself enough to live healthy.
"I would have eaten a rug if it would have had the right kind of dipping sauce"
you are freaking hilarious. just thought you should know. i laugh out loud on a regular basis reading this business. :)